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Product Card Revamp


We've revamped the product cards to enhance the shopping experience and provide a concise display of key product information.


End-to-end product design, design systems.

Designed for

YEMA & Co, all rights reserved.

About YEMA & Co

YEMA is consolidating as the first conscious supermarket in Mexico, where healthy eating is also delicious, and personal care has a clean and honest label.

Captura de pantalla 2024-04-14 a la(s) 1.01.50 a.m..png

Design Process

Used Design Thinking methodology to create this redesign.

Captura de pantalla 2024-04-14 a la(s) 12.49.35 a.m..png

Phase 1: Emphatize

Take into consideration our user personas:

  • What do they want? Name, price, discount, reviews, format, etc.

  • What do they expect? Clear and easy way to see the main info of the product

  • What are their pain points? Difficulty to read, difficulty seeing the stock outs, difficulty to add to cart when using in mobile, etc.


Phase 2: Define

The problem:

Users are having problems reading the product's title, knowing which products are stock out, identifying discounts. Also, the look and feel did not correspond to the brand.


Visited product pages of different sites in their desktop and mobile versions. Gather information on which is the main data and composition of the page.


Phase 3: Ideate

Information Architecture


Main information:

  • Product's Name

  • Product's Brand

  • Price

  • Discount

  • Size

  • Reviews

  • Photo

Secondary information:

  • Type of product


Phase 4: Prototype

  • Packaged Products: Products that are sold by package (cookies, milk, shampoo, etc.).

  • Bulk Products: Products that are sold by weight: nuts, gummies, almonds, etc.

  • Weight/ Piece Products: Products that are sold by weight or pieces: apples, avocados, etc.

  • Stock out Products: Items that are currently unavailable.


Phase 5: Test

Gather feedback from users by conducting usability tests with the prototypes.​ Iterate on the designs based on the feedback received.

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