Educational Platform Design
Crafting a user-centric web app to facilitate online teaching during quarantine.
Product design.
Designed for
UX Design Course Final Project.
Due to the sudden change in our lifestyle because of COVID-19 pandemic, teachers and students at all levels were forced to take classes online. For many, it was something totally new and unknown.
Needs to solve
Inefficient remote evaluation of students.
Monitor the work done by students.
Video calls with time limit.
High cost of applications that offer these services (or many ads).
Complicated installation.
Feedback for homework.
Facilitate teacher-student interaction in online classes (contests / games).
Create systems with which teachers can asists their students.
Teachers being able to share material class.
User Stories
As a teacher, I want...
an easy interaction with my students so that I can communicate efficiently tasks and projects.
Derek Bailey, Physics Teacher
As a teacher, I want...
interactive classes so that my students do not distract.
Alexa Young, Biology teacher
As a teacher I want...
to share material with my students to complete the subject teach at class with extras.
Donald Francis, Math teacher
As a teacher, I want...
to evaluate my students so that they do not cheat for a better note.
Stacey Goodman, Arts teacher
As a student I want...
interactive classes so that I do not distract at home.
Miranda Shepherd, Student
As a student, I want...
to keep track of my different classes so that I know which class should I be entering.
Dwayne White, Student
As a student I want...
to keep track of my different projects and tasks so that I do not forget something.
Tom Smith, Student
As a student, I want...
easy way to communicate with the teacher so that I can answer all my questions.
Taylor Lee, Student
User Personas
Math teacher
Stephen Smith
Students get distracted a lot.
I’m not used to teach online classes.
I’m not used to teach with online platforms.
I don’t know how to evaluate my students.
I can’t go back to offline classes because of covid.
Learn something new.
Give my students a nice time at class.
Taylor Williams
Boring classes.
I’m not used to online classes.
I get distracted a lot.
Many tasks to organize efficiently.
Learn the topics.
Finish all of my homework.
Solve my doubts.