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Travel App Design


Empowering solo female travelers with a user-friendly website and app.


End-to-end product design

Designed for

Master's Final Project

About the project

Viaj-era is a website and mobile application designed exclusively for women who travel alone or with other women.

It's main objective is to provide users with tools and resources to ensure their personal safety during their travels, as well as to create a community where they can connect with other female travelers and share experiences.



I'm Mexican, and one of the things I enjoy most is traveling. Whether alone or accompanied, it seems to me the best way to self-discover. However, some places aren't the safest for a 27-year-old woman traveling solo worldwide; that's why I've avoided certain destinations in my travels. But why should that stop me from learning about other cultures, visiting amazing places, and meeting new people? That's why I decided to create this app, dedicated to all women who want to conquer the world, so they can do it freely and, above all, safely.


Design Progress

  • Used Design Thinking methodology to create this design.​

Captura de pantalla 2024-04-14 a la(s) 12.49.35 a.m..png

Phase 1: Empathized

  • Adventurous women eager to explore the world.

  • Women who want to travel solo or in groups of girl friends.

  • Women who prioritize safety when traveling.

  • Women who are of legal age (+18).

  • Women who want to connect with other women during their trips.

  • Women with diverse budgets.


User interviews

Take into consideration our user personas:

• What do they want? Payment facilities, travel safely, have fun, meet new people.

• What do they expect? Clear and easy way purchase their trips and be able to travel safely.

• What are their pain points? Difficulty to pay, it's more expensive to travel alone, some places they want to travel are not consider secure.


Phase 2: Define


Visited other travel agencies and reviewed their options, web sites interactions, even review a few options for solo travelers in general and some especially for women. Gather information on interactions, features and functionalities.


Customer Journeys

With other companies

customer journey.jpg

User Stories

As a woman, I want to:

• visit any place that I find interesting to explore and not just those considered "safe".

• travel safely so that I don't have to fear traveling alone.

• travel freely to enjoy solo travel or meet new people during my trips.

• take advantage of opportunities to travel alone to have fun without feeling judged and knowing that I'm not the only one doing it.

• not have to pay more for traveling alone so that budget isn't a barrier to exploring new places.



• Safety: Providing security to travelers throughout their adventure.

• Connection: Opportunities to meet other women with similar interests.

• Personalization: Trips designed according to specific interests and needs.



  • Providing women with a safe and personalized space to explore different destinations without fear.

  • Opportunity to connect with other female travelers and live unique experiences, if desired.

  • Empowering women through travel designed for and by women.



Web Page

Explaining to users what Viaj-era is, and why we are their best option. Encouraging users to travel with us by guaranteeing a safe and well-planned trip. Additionally, they will be able to get quotes for different destinations from the website.​

Mobile App

More focused on users who have already booked their trip through the website. They will find everything related to their trip: flights, tours, itineraries, other women traveling to the same place, restaurant or location suggestions, as well as emergency numbers, embassies, etc. The goal is for users to be able to share their location with trusted contacts. Additionally, when entering areas categorized as dangerous, they will receive a notification on their phone.


Phase 3: Ideate

Web flow

Flujo web.jpg

App flow

Flujo app.jpg

Web sketches

App sketches

Phase 4: Prototype

Wireframes web

Wireframes app

UI Kit

Phase 5: Test


Mockups web

Mockups app

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